November 16-17, 2024

Master the Art of Smoking Cessation with the World’s Foremost Quit Smoking Hypnotist

Join Freddy Jacquin's intensive training and transform lives with powerful techniques to overcome addiction
- Join In-Person or Online

About the Training

This comprehensive training —either in person in The Hague or live online via Zoom— is designed for hypnotherapists, mental health practitioners, and wellness professionals who want to learn Freddy Jacquin's world-renowned smoking cessation techniques.

Whether your clients are struggling with quitting cigarettes, vaping, cannabis, or even cocaine, this masterclass provides the tools you need to help them break free.

Workshop Highlights

Master Proven Techniques:

Learn Freddy’s step-by-step protocols that have helped over 25,000 people quit smoking.

Adapt Your Skills:

Learn to work effectively with clients of all ages and address various substance abuse issues, including smoking, vaping, cannabis, and cocaine.

Expand Your Reach:

Master the techniques for both one-on-one and group sessions, leveraging Freddy’s expertise in helping thousands

Real-Life Applications:

Experience live demonstrations and practice sessions with Freddy’s guidance.

First-Hand Transformation:

Throughout the training, you’ll undergo powerful hypnotic processes guided by Freddy himself, allowing you to experience the effectiveness of these techniques personally.

Why Quitting Smoking Matters

Health Risks:

  • Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide, causing serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, respiratory issues, and more.

  • Vaping can lead to the same consequences because of the high nicotine concentrations.

  • Cannabis use can lead to short term confusion, impaired concentration, anxiety, and psychotic episodes. In the long term, it can cause dependency and even stronger negative effect on your concentration, memory, decision making and intelligence.

  • Cocaine use is linked to severe physical and mental health problems, including heart attacks, strokes, and addiction.

The Importance of Intervention:

  • Quitting smoking and other substances is one of the most impactful steps someone can take to improve their health and well-being.

  • As a trained professional, you have the power to guide your clients through this life-changing journey.

Meet Freddy Jacquin: The World’s Foremost Quit Smoking Hypnotist

Freddy Jacquin is a pioneer in the field of hypnosis and smoking cessation, having personally helped over 25,000 people quit smoking.

In 2006 alone, he helped 5000 people conducting one-on-one and upto 200-people groups sessions.

With over 30 years of experience, Freddy is the founder of the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy

and has trained thousands of hypnotherapists worldwide, sharing his powerful techniques and protocols.

Freddy is also the developer of The Arrow Technique, and the author of 'Hypnotherapy : Methods, Techniques and Philosophies', 'The Lazy Way to Enlightenment and Unlimited Happiness' and the new book 'The Exquisite Art of Hypnosis: Beyond Techniques and Protocols'.

Unique Benefits of the Two-Day Workshop

Embark on both an educational and transformational journey,
transform your practice with Freddy’s proven techniques—available to you whether you attend in person or online.

Freddy's expertise will empower both beginners and seasoned practitioners, providing practical tools for immediate application.

What Others Say About Us

In my honest opinion Freddy Jacquin is the number one hypnotherapist in the world. Training with him and his remarkably talented son, Anthony is a must for anyone who wants to develop stellar hypnosis skills.

Mike Mandel | Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy

Ann visited Freddy 19 years ago and successfully quit smoking 30 cigarettes a day. She believes Freddy saved her life and considers it the best decision she ever made.

Sarah Wade shares her experience of attending Freddy Jacquin's stop smoking group session in Portsmouth 28 years ago. She highlights Freddy's engaging and caring approach. The session helped her quit smoking. Inspired, Sarah trained as a hypnotherapist, utilizing Freddy's methods for her own clients.

Helen, Liz, Gwyn, and Vivienne, participants of our workshop in The Hague in June, 2024 about the benefits and uniqueness of training with Freddy Jacquin, especially live.

Nicholas Spohn, an experienced hypnotist, highlights Freddy Jacquin's impressive ability to invoke massive transformations in just a few minutes, and unique heart-centered approach, which helps individuals find unconditional love,


Rachel Callow

Freddy, I came to your world record attempt in Birmingham on 13 March. 

I am pleased to say that it has now been three weeks, and I have not had or even wanted a cigarette.

For the last three weeks, I have felt like a different person. 

Since then a lot of my friends and family have been asking for your details. 

I remember that you mentioned that you may do a similar group session dependent upon the success of this one. 

I personally have been approached by 10/20 people who cannot believe that I have stopped smoking, and certainly, they cannot believe it is all down to hypnosis. 

The best thing of all is feeling so proud of myself and that I am not gaining any weight. 

If anything, I feel that I may have lost a few pounds! I feel that I could achieve anything I want to.

I came to the session with my friend (and I must admit I doubted the whole hypnosis thing), and she has also been successful in stopping smoking. 

If you do intend to have another session in the Birmingham area, please let me know as I would certainly recommend you to anyone, and as I said I know of at least 10/20 people who would attend. For the last 3 weeks,

I have been a walking advert for you and the success of hypnosis.




Dear Freddy,

On behalf of all staff at the Institution thank you very much for the excellent sessions you delivered in both Smoking Cessation and Relaxation.

Having now assessed the evaluation sheets, it is clear that the day as a whole was an overwhelming success, but you'll be delighted to hear that there were many personal comments regarding the hypnotherapy sessions and how enjoyable they had been.

More importantly, there are a number of our staff who still manage to avoid the dreaded weed.

Of those who have not given up smoking, they have definitely given consideration to either further sessions of hypnotherapy or other techniques that, as yet they have not been motivated to try, which cannot be a bad thing.

As promised, I will monitor the outcomes of both the Smoking Cessation and Wellbeing groups over the coming weeks and will provide you with some further information.

Once again, many thanks indeed for your input at the event and I hope our paths cross again sometime in the future.

Yours sincerely


Deputy Governor



Dear Freddy, thank you very much.

Five days and no smoking!Actually (a lu ), tried a drag, and it made me feel sick!

Am thinking about It a lot, but still not smoking - I feel very different already and have much energy!

Really amazıng experience -never thought it was possible; thank you very, very much, I'm sure my life will be different from now on - 12 years is a long time!



Dear Freddy,

Just to say many, many thanks for the time you shared with me on Saturday, I found it very interesting.

It is now Sunday evening, I went to a BBQ last night with about '60 smokers', and Dave has been putting smoke over me today, but I can truly say I have no interest in a “fag” whatsoever!

I also still feel very good about myself - long may it last.

I'm sure I will bring Dave to see you soon.


Ric Millard

Hello Freddy,

What have you done to me?

Instead of smoking, I seem to be doing excessive and dangerous exercise, and for sure, that was not my idea!

Can this be cured because my fitness plan is three months in advance of what it should be and I am worried that I might pass another jogger.- It is only a week since you worked me over and today I ran for an hour 40 min. - before breakfast - and then cycled for another hour before lunch.

I utter the magic password, and instead of relaxing, I kick into overdrive and run up hills that are either vertical or overhanging.

You are a miracle worker and deserve an OBE ( minimum)


Ric Millard ( silly old bugger on the push bike )


Mark Jenner

Dear Freddy, thank you for your wonderful efforts in helping me to quit smoking from 40 a day to zero admittedly a slight hiccup 3 months later but you kept to your word and immediately saw me again, and best of all, you helped me quit for good this time.

You have my thanks and that of my wife and two beautiful daughters.

You're a star!...

Overview of Important Information

Dates: November 16-17, 2024

Times: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central European Time

Participants will earn valuable Continuous Professional Development (CPD) hours and receive an official certificate from the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy.

The recording of the Masterclass will be made available to you.

In Person in The Hague

Experience the masterclass in a dynamic, face-to-face setting, where you can connect directly with Freddy Jacquin and fellow participants.

Location: Van der Valk Hotel Den Haag Wassenaar | Zijdeweg 54 | 2245 BZ | Wassenaar

Parking: Free

Delicious lunch, beverages, and break treats: Included

Live Online

Participate from anywhere in the world with our interactive online option, where you'll receive the same high-quality instruction and be able to engage in real-time.

Location: Zoom

Pricing & Registration
Early Bird Pricing until October 16!

In Person in The Hague


(Price increases to €649 after October 16)

Live Online


(Price increases to €499 after October 16)

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to learn from the best! Reserve your spot —whether you're joining us in The Hague or live online via Zoom— for this exclusive masterclass weekend.

Register Now and Transform Lives!

Please fill in the registration and payment form!

Payment details

🌟 Exclusive Interview with Freddy Jacquin 🌟

Considering joining our Masterclass Weekend but want to learn more about Freddy Jacquin and his transformative techniques? Look no further!

Unlock the secrets of hypnotherapy and personal transformation with this exclusive interview featuring Freddy Jacquin, renowned hypnotherapist and founder of the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy.

In this insightful conversation, Freddy shares his wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of hypnotherapy, discussing his unique techniques, successes, and personal journey.

Discover how hypnotherapy can help overcome negative habits, fear, and anxiety, and learn firsthand from one of the leading experts in the field.

Do you have any questions?

Contact the masterclass host, Olga Willemsen: [email protected]